Part 24: 2014 (Rise Like Conchita).
Continues tomorrow.
Of the
- 2019)
its inaugural year, the Eurovision Song Contest has had more than its fair
share of controversial moments. This is a special look back on 30 significant upsets
in chronological order.
Like Conchita.
The Eurovision Song Contest has had its fair share of
trailblazers. Gay performer Paul Oscar shocked viewers when he represented
Iceland back in 1997. Transgender artist Dana International attracted death
threats in 1998 before winning the Contest for Israel with “Diva”. One might have
assumed that Europe had progressed since.
In 2014, Austria selected Conchita Wurst to perform its
Eurovision entry. Austria’s song was entitled “Rise Like A Phoenix”. When Wurst’s
appearance was revealed, the bearded drag performer (Tom Neuwirth when not in
character) was greeted with hostility and abuse.
Austria won. Wurst’s victory was embraced as a progressive step
in the West, but caused outrage in some Eastern European nations. Russia was
loudest in its condemnation, with criticism even coming from politicians such
as then Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. Online petitions against Wurst were
started in Russia, Belarus and Armenia.
It should be noted however, that while Austria did not receive any
points from Armenian and Belarusian voters, “Rise Like A Phoenix” was given 5
points by Russian viewers.

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