60 YEARS OF THE ROCK ERA. This update: 1994.

-The 3 surviving members of The Beatles begin working on "Free as A Bird".
-Nirvana performs its final concert.
-In Rome, Kurt Cobain lapses into a drug & alcohol induced coma.
-On April 8, Kurt Cobain is found dead, having committed suicide 3 days prior.
-Pearl Jam takes on Ticketmaster.
-Michael Jackson marries Lisa Marie Presley.
-Aerosmith uses the internet to premiere a new song: the 1st major rock group to use this technology.

1994 saw significant new releases from Jeff Buckley, Sheryl Crow, Tori Amos, Aaliyah, Oasis and Blur. Queen Latifah dropped "U.N.I.T.Y.". These acts all broke new ground by drawing from the past and fusing styles in a new way. The Grid scored a hit with the influential "Swamp Thing". Nine Inch Nails sparked controversy for the music video for its single "Closer".

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