Monday, July 22, 2024

THE COOLEST SONGS EVER! #8. More tomorrow.

Caffè Lattè presents…


THE 200




Spanning decades of popular music and many genres, Caffè Lattè has compiled a list of the 200 coolest songs of all-time.

Hear the songs as the countdown continues on Spotify:



Peggy Lee


Little Willie John may have recorded the first version of “Fever” in 1956, but it was Peggy Lee who nailed the definitive and coolest interpretation of the song. Her remake was issued two years later and fared way better on the charts in both America and Britain.

Although the lyrics for Lee’s take were toned down, there was no doubt what she was alluding to. It was one of the first pop crossover songs where a female vocalist embraced the subject of sex.

What's in a Song: Fever (1)



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